Management Committee

The Singapore Cycling Federation was established in 1958 and is a registered society and an Institution of Public Character. As a National Sports Association (NSA), the SCF is responsible for the development and promotion of the sport of cycling in Singapore. The SCF is also affiliated to the Singapore National Olympic Council (SNOC), the Asean Cycling Association (ACA), the Asian Cycling Confederation (ACC), BikeTrial International Union (BIU) and the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI).

The objects of the Federation are:

1. Promote, develop and increase participation for the sport of Cycling in Singapore.

2. Promote physical activity for health and wellness, foster community engagement and bonding for social inclusiveness and integration, and inspire the Singapore Spirit through the sport of Cycling.

3. To engage communities and provide access to the sport of Cycling to vulnerable segments of the community such as youth at risk and the less privileged.

4. Unify, co-ordinate, sanction and organise Cycling activities in Singapore, including national and international Cycling tournaments and events.

5. Raise the competitive standards of Cycling athletes in Singapore for sustainable elite level performance at international competitions and multi-sport major games.

6. Provide sport pathways and opportunities for the progression and advancement of Cycling athletes, coaches, mechanics and technical officials in Singapore.

7. Raise the technical capability of Cycling coaches, mechanics, team managers and technical officials in Singapore.

8. Do all things complementary or incidental to attain the aforesaid objects in Articles 1 to 8.

The Management Committee shall determine the Mission, programmes and activities of the Federation for the period prescribed by SSC, and shall ensure that they are consistent with the abovementioned objects of the Federation.

Management Committee




(*) By-law 1 (SCF Constitution) effective from 6 March 2019 – For the purpose of facilitating communication with external parties who are not familiar with the title or role of the “Honorary Secretary” and “Assistant Honorary Secretary,” the Honorary Secretary and Assistant Honorary Secretary shall also be referred to as the “Secretary General” and “Assistant Secretary General,” respectively, of the Singapore Cycling Federation

(**) Mr Walton Seah has served as a Management Committee member since 2007. The BikeTrial community is a small one and over the years, Walton has been a key figure in promoting the sport. The SCF is both unable to identify a suitable individual from the BikeTrial community to step up and perform a leadership role and at the same time, no one from the community have come forward to offer to serve in the Management Committee.

Bankers: Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Ltd

Auditor: SB Tan Audit PAC
UEN No.: 201709525H

Other services:The SCF utilises the services of Empact Pte Ltd (Twenty Anson, 20 Anson Road, #11-05, Singapore 079912) for book-keeping and finance services

Governing Instrument

  1. The SCF is governed by a Constitution which was presented and approved at the Extraordinary Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on 14 Aug 2021 and approved by the Registry of Society on 14 Sep 2021.
  2. Affiliated Clubs (Full Members)
    1. OCBC Cycling Team
    2. Para-Cycling Federation of Singapore
    3. Team Cycledelic
    4. Team Garcia
    5. APPL - Ministry of Cycling 
    6. YBCO | BikeAid Developmental Racing Team
    7. RS Factor Racing Team
    8. Bike Control
    9. BPR Cycling Club
    10. Airdroz Development (Full Radius Action Sports)- Provisional
    11. Tuah Racing SG (Tuah Enterprise) - Provisional
  3. Affiliate Clubs (Associate Members)
    1. Burgeon Racing
    2. Specialized Mavericks
    3. Greyhounds Cycling Club
    4. ANZA Racing
    5. Quantum Racing
    6. Team Twenty9er Racing
    7. Wolfpack_SG
    8. Bike Labz
    9. BikeTrial Singapore
    10. Integrated Riding Club
    11. ITE Cycle @ College Central
    12. NEX Cycling Team
    13. Safe Cycling Task Force
    14. Bricklands BMX Cycling Club
    15. Draft Punk Race Team
    16. KotaSinga Riders
    17. matadorRACING
    18. Rapha Cycling Club
    19. 1Degree Racing
    20. Geylang Cycling Team
    21. Team AttitudeBikes (attitudebikes Pte Ltd)

Affiliation Fees

Annual Renewal New Application
$50.00 $100.00

The Management Committee shall use reasonable endeavours to process all membership applications of receipt of such application. The Management Committee shall consider the applications which have complied with the membership subscription procedures set out in article 9,10,12 of the SCF Constitution and shall have the right to reject applications based on defensible reasons with supporting documentation.

Governance Evaluation Checklist

As an Institution of a Public Character (IPC), the SCF had duly submitted the Online Evaluation Checklist (for the period from 1 Apr 19 to 31 Mar 20) at the Charity Portal. The Period of Approved IPC status granted to SCF is from 1 Nov 2019 to 30 Dec 2022.


The objects of the Federation are:

(a) Cycling: To encourage, promote, organize, develop and control the art and pastime of cycling in Singapore.

(b) Cyclists: To support and protect the interest of cyclists in Singapore.

(c) Bicycle Racing: To control bicycle racing and arrange bicycle race meetings in Singapore, and to give technical advice or other instructions thereon.

(d) Representatives: To select competitors to represent Singapore or the Federation.

(e) Prizes etc.: To give prizes, medals and other awards, and to obtain, collect, receive and hold funds and property by subscription, voluntary contributions, gifts or legacies or otherwise, for the objects of the Federation.

(f) Disputes :. Any dispute arising amongst Members or between any Member and the Federation shall be resolved in accordance with the Framework for Alternative Dispute Resolution for Sports (ADR Sports) or other dispute resolution framework jointly administered for the time being by Sports Singapore, the Singapore Mediation Centre and the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators.

(g) Promotion and Funding: To promote and safeguard the interests of the sport, and employ, when necessary, the funds of the Federation for the purpose. To also increase participation and promote community engagement and bonding through the sport of Cycling, in order to promote health and wellness, inclusiveness and integration, and inspire the Singapore Spirit.

(h) Affiliations: To affiliate with the Singapore Sports Council (“SSC”), Singapore National Olympic Council (“SNOC”), the International Cycling Union (Union Cycliste Internationale or “UCI”), BikeTrial International Union (“BIU”), the Asean Cycling Association (ACA), the Asian Cycling Confederation (ACC) or other international body or bodies whose objects are the same as or similar to those of the Federation.

(i) Competitions: To sponsor, support and/or participate in any national or international cycling races or competitions.

(j) Cycle Titles: To decide on the official recognition of cycling titles established in Singapore.

(k) Anti-Doping: The Federation shall recognise the right of all its athletes to participate in clean sport and is committed to ensuring the sport is doping-free. All affiliates, members, athletes, participants, staff and other individuals, who are subject to the jurisdiction of the Federation are bound by and agree to abide by all World Anti-Doping Code-compliant anti-doping rules applicable to the sport.

(l) Misc: Generally to do all such other acts or things as may be incidental to or connected with or conducive to the attainment of any of the above-mentioned objects.

The Management Committee shall determine the Mission, programmes and activities of the Federation for the period prescribed by SSC, and shall ensure that they are consistent with the abovementioned objects of the Federation.

Unique Entity Number (UEN)

The SCF’s UEN is S 58 SS 0009 A.

Registered Address

The SCF operates from
OCBC Arena, 5 Stadium Drive, #02-44, Singapore 397631

Auditors and Advisors

Auditor: SB Tan Audit PAC
UEN No.: 201709525H

The SCF has appointed SB Tan Audit PAC (118 Aljunied Ave 2, Singapore 380118), certified public accountants, as our external auditor and utilises the services of Empact Pte Ltd (Twenty Anson, 20 Anson Road, #11-05, Singapore 079912) for book-keeping and finance services.

Selection & Recruitment

  1. In accordance to the SCF Constitution, an individual member is eligible to stand for office on condition that the individual fulfils the following:
  2. is 21 years and above as at the date of the relevant meeting;
  3. is of good standing in the cycling fraternity in Singapore; and
  4. does not and shall not hold any salaried positions within the Federation nor receive any compensation for his / her role as an office holder.
  5. Notwithstanding the above, the Management Committee encourages anyone who has the passion to grow and develop the sport of cycling as well as the necessary skill sets and experience (as listed below) to come forward to volunteer.
  6. Relevant skill sets or work experience include (non-exhaustive):
    1. Sports Management, Business Management
    2. Coaching, Sports Science
    3. Understand the technicalities of the sport of cycling
    4. Public relations and Integrated Communications
    5. Social media management
    6. Marketing (and digital marketing)
    7. Sponsorship and asset/rights management
    8. Finance, accounting, auditing
    9. Human Resource Management
    10. Information Technology
    11. Legal
    12. Project and Event Management
    13. Managing a Charitable Organisation or an Institution of Public Character
    14. For an individual who is keen to assume the post of an incumbent office holder, by the time of the next AGM (Annual General Meeting), he/she would be encouraged to commit to volunteer his/her services for minimally one year or the full term of two years in office as an Associate Member and to understudy the incumbent office holder.

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Management Committee

On an annual basis, all Management Committee members are required to complete a self-evaluation questionnaire as follows:

Based on the evaluation, Management Committee members could seek training to plug competency gaps, adopt best practices or where appropriate, appoint new Management Committee members with the relevant expertise.

It is expected that a Management Committee will attend at least three out of the four quarterly Management Committee meetings (annually) as well as relevant lend his/her expertise to specific tasks or actively participate in specific task group or sub-committee meetings when called upon to do so. A letter of appreciation would be extended to a Management Committee member who is no longer able to commit his/her time and expertise actively and, a replacement would be appointed.

2021 to 2025 Management Team